What is Few Shot Prompting?

Few shot prompting is a powerful technique in prompt engineering. It helps guide the model by including examples directly in the prompt. This method leverages the model’s ability to learn from a small dataset, making it especially useful when there’s not enough data for fine-tuning.

Definition: Few shot prompting involves giving the model a few examples in the prompt to show it what you want. These examples, also called “shots,” help the model understand the desired output structure, tone, and style. Essentially, it’s like training the model in real-time.

Importance: Few shot prompting is important because it maximizes learning from limited data. When you don’t have a large dataset, few shot prompting helps the model generalize from a small number of examples. This makes it a go-to method for situations where collecting extensive data isn’t feasible.

Example: Consider a sentiment analysis of movie reviews. You might give the model three examples:

  1. “The movie was amazing!” // positive
  2. “The movie was terrible.” // negative
  3. “The movie was okay, but the ending was weak.” // neutral

By showing these examples, the model can learn to identify the sentiment of new reviews based on the patterns from the given examples.

Comparison: Few shot prompting stands out when compared to zero-shot and one-shot methods:

Few shot prompting is versatile, allowing you to achieve better and more consistent outputs across various applications.

Why Use Few Shot Prompting?

Few shot prompting offers several advantages that make it a preferred method in various scenarios. Here’s why you should consider using it:

Enhanced Output Quality: Few shot prompting significantly improves the quality of outputs from large language models (LLMs). By providing a few examples, you guide the model to produce more accurate and consistent results. This method helps the model understand the context and nuances of the task, resulting in outputs that closely match your expectations.

Resource Efficiency: One of the standout benefits of few shot prompting is its resource efficiency. Since it requires only a few examples to guide the model, it saves time and computational power. You don’t need to gather large datasets or spend extensive time on fine-tuning. This efficiency is particularly beneficial for smaller teams or projects with limited resources.

Applicability in Specialized Domains: Few shot prompting shines in specialized fields such as legal, medical, and technical domains. In these areas, collecting vast amounts of training data can be challenging. Few shot prompting allows the model to learn from limited data while still producing high-quality, domain-specific outputs. For example:

Customization: Few shot prompting offers unparalleled customization options. By including examples that reflect a specific tone or style, you can tailor the model’s outputs to match your needs. This is particularly useful in content creation, where maintaining a consistent voice is crucial. For instance, if you’re a digital marketing firm, you can include examples of past campaigns to ensure the AI-generated content aligns with your brand’s style.

Key Takeaways:

By leveraging these advantages, few shot prompting can enhance the performance and applicability of LLMs across various tasks and domains.

How to Implement Few Shot Prompting

Step-by-Step Process

Implementing few shot prompting involves inserting examples into your prompt to guide the model. Follow these steps:

  1. Identify the Task: Clearly define what you want the model to do. This could be anything from sentiment analysis to generating code.
  2. Gather Examples: Collect a few examples that illustrate the desired output. These examples should be relevant and varied to cover different aspects of the task.
  3. Format the Prompt:
    • Begin with Instructions: Clearly state what you want the model to accomplish.
    • Include Examples: Insert your examples after the instructions. Ensure each example is formatted consistently.
    • End with a New Task: Follow the examples with a new task for the model to complete.
  4. Test and Refine: Run the prompt through the model and check the output. Make adjustments to the examples or instructions as needed to improve the results.

Example Prompt

Imagine you are a digital marketing firm wanting to create content that matches your clients’ styles. Here’s a template for few shot prompting:

Your task is to create promotional content for our client, {{client_name}}. Below are examples of content we've created from previous briefs:

Brief: Launch of a new eco-friendly product.
Content: "Introducing our latest eco-friendly product that helps you live a greener life. Join the movement towards a sustainable future with {{client_name}}."

Brief: Holiday sale announcement.
Content: "Celebrate the season with amazing discounts at {{client_name}}! Save big on your favorite items and enjoy the holidays with great deals."

Now, create content based on the following brief:

Brief: {{new_brief}}

By including past content examples, you guide the model to produce text that aligns with your client’s tone and style.

Use Cases

Few shot prompting can be applied in various scenarios, enhancing the model’s ability to adapt and perform specific tasks:

Code Generation Example

Python Function

Let’s compare zero-shot and few-shot prompts for generating a Python function to calculate the factorial of a number.

Write a Python function to calculate the factorial of a number.


def factorial(num):
    if num == 0:
        return 1
        return num * factorial(num - 1)
# Test the function
number = 5
result = factorial(number)
print(f"The factorial of {number} is {result}")
Here are some examples of Python functions. Following these examples, write a function to calculate the factorial of a number.

Example 1:
Add two numbers and return the result.
def add(a, b):
    return a + b

Example 2:
Subtract second number from first and return result.
def subtract(a, b):
    return a - b

Now, write a function to calculate the factorial of a number.


def factorial(n):
    Calculate the factorial of a non-negative integer n.
    if not isinstance(n, int) or n < 0:
        raise ValueError("Input must be a non-negative integer.")
    if n == 0:
        return 1
        result = 1
        for i in range(1, n + 1):
            result *= i
        return result

Key Differences:

By using few shot prompting, you guide the model to create more sophisticated and reliable code, demonstrating the method’s effectiveness in improving output quality.

Few Shot Prompting Techniques

Multiple Prompts

Using multiple prompts involves breaking down the examples into several smaller prompts instead of one large prompt. This technique can help when you need to simulate a conversation or provide layered context.


  1. Divide Examples: Split your examples into separate prompts. Each prompt should focus on a specific aspect of the task.
  2. Sequence Prompts: Arrange these prompts in the order that builds context progressively.
  3. Integrate Interaction: For chat-based interactions, include both user inputs and model responses in the sequence.


Pre-baked Messages

Pre-baked messages involve preparing a series of user and AI messages before sending the final prompt. This technique is particularly useful for chatbots and interactive applications.


  1. Create Messages: Prepare a set of user queries and corresponding AI responses that illustrate the desired behavior.
  2. Send Together: Send these messages in sequence to the model before the final prompt.
  3. Final Task: Follow with the prompt for the new task, leveraging the context built by the pre-baked messages.


Testing Methods

Experimenting with different few shot prompting techniques is crucial to finding the best results. Here’s how to approach testing:

1. A/B Testing:

2. Incremental Testing:

3. Order Testing:

4. Format Testing:

Example Scenarios

Customer Service

Simulating interaction and maintaining contextual continuity in customer service can greatly benefit from few shot prompting. Here’s how:

  1. Initial Greeting: Start with a user query and an AI response to set the tone.
  2. Problem Description: Include examples where users describe issues and the AI provides helpful responses.
  3. Follow-Up: Add follow-up interactions to show how the AI should handle ongoing conversations.


User: "Hi, I need help with my order."
AI: "Sure, I can help with that. Can you provide your order number?"

User: "My order number is 12345."
AI: "Thank you. Let me check that for you. Please hold on for a moment."

User: "I received the wrong item."
AI: "I'm sorry to hear that. I'll arrange for a replacement. Can you confirm the item you received?"

Content Creation

Ensuring consistency in tone and style is crucial for content creation. Few shot prompting can help by providing clear examples that the model can follow.


  1. Client Information: Start with details about the client and the desired tone.
  2. Example Content: Include past content pieces that match the desired style.
  3. New Task: End with a new brief for the model to create content.


Client: "Eco-Friendly Company"
Tone: "Friendly and Informative"

Example 1:
Brief: "New Product Launch"
Content: "We are excited to introduce our latest eco-friendly product. Join us in making a difference for the planet!"

Example 2:
Brief: "Holiday Sale"
Content: "Celebrate the holidays with amazing discounts on our eco-friendly products. Shop now and save big!"

New Brief: "Earth Day Campaign"

Using these techniques, you can guide the model to produce high-quality outputs tailored to specific needs.

Common Questions About Few Shot Prompting

Number of Examples

One frequent question is how many examples are optimal for few shot prompting. Research indicates that there are diminishing returns after a certain number of examples.

Key Points:

  1. Optimal Range: Generally, 2 to 5 examples are sufficient for most tasks.
  2. Diminishing Returns: Using more than 5 examples often does not improve model performance significantly and can waste tokens.
  3. Task Complexity: For more complex tasks, you might need slightly more examples, but it’s best to start with fewer and add incrementally.

Takeaway: Start with 2 to 5 examples and increase only if necessary. Too many examples can clutter the prompt and reduce efficiency.

Order of Examples

The order in which you present examples can significantly impact the quality of the model’s outputs.

Factors to Consider:

  1. Last Example Weight: Models often place more emphasis on the last example they see. Therefore, placing your most important example last can improve results.
  2. Logical Flow: Arrange examples logically to build context progressively, which can help the model understand and follow the desired pattern.
  3. Testing Variations: Experiment with different orders to see which sequence yields the best results.

Takeaway: Test various example orders, but generally, place the most critical example last to leverage the model’s tendency to focus on the final input.

Prompt Format

There’s often debate about whether instructions should precede or follow examples in a prompt.


  1. Simple Tasks: For straightforward tasks, leading with instructions followed by examples is usually effective.
  2. Complex Tasks: For more complex tasks, consider placing instructions after the examples if the model struggles to remember them.
  3. Minimal Instructions: Sometimes, examples alone are enough, especially for tasks where the context is clear.

Takeaway: While leading with instructions is typical, don’t hesitate to place them after examples or omit them if the task allows.


Despite its usefulness, few shot prompting has limitations you should be aware of.

Potential Issues:

  1. Overfitting: The model might overfit to the examples provided, leading to less generalizable outputs.
  2. Biases: Examples can introduce biases, reflecting any skew present in the sample data.
  3. Token Limitations: Including too many examples can quickly exhaust token limits, especially in models with strict token caps.
  4. Context Loss: In long prompts, the model might lose track of earlier examples, reducing effectiveness.

Takeaway: Be mindful of overfitting, biases, and token limitations. Use varied and balanced examples to mitigate these issues.

By understanding these common questions and their implications, you can better tailor your few shot prompting strategies to achieve optimal results.

Real-World Applications

Specialized Domains

Few-shot prompting finds significant use in specialized domains like legal, medical, and technical fields. These areas often require precise and accurate outputs, which few-shot prompting helps achieve.

Legal Field:

Medical Field:

Technical Field:

Takeaway: Few-shot prompting ensures that outputs in specialized fields meet strict standards and formats, making it invaluable in these domains.

Dynamic Content Creation

Creating consistent and high-quality content is a common challenge that few-shot prompting addresses effectively.

Content Strategy:


Takeaway: Few-shot prompting enhances content creation efficiency and ensures consistency, making it a powerful tool for digital marketing and content strategy.

Customized User Experiences

Tailoring responses in chatbots and recommendation systems is another area where few-shot prompting excels.


Recommendation Systems:

Takeaway: Few-shot prompting enhances the capability of chatbots and recommendation systems to deliver personalized and relevant user experiences.

Strict Output Structures

Ensuring specific format requirements are met is crucial in many applications, and few-shot prompting provides a solution.



Takeaway: Few-shot prompting ensures that outputs consistently meet specific format requirements, reducing errors and enhancing clarity.

By applying few-shot prompting in these real-world scenarios, you can achieve high-quality, consistent, and tailored outputs across various domains and applications.

Examples from Research

Case Study

A fascinating case study involves using few-shot prompting to solve bugs in open-source projects. Researchers at the University of London published a paper titled “The Fact Selection Problem in LLM-Based Program Repair.” They explored how few-shot prompting could help identify and fix bugs in open-source code repositories.



The researchers adopted a structured approach to gather and utilize examples for constructing prompts.


  1. Fact Collection:
  1. Prompt Construction:
  1. Evaluation:

Takeaway: Careful selection and construction of examples are critical for the success of few-shot prompting in complex tasks like program repair.


The research yielded several key insights into the utility and limitations of few-shot prompting.



Takeaway: While few-shot prompting enhances model performance, it requires a balance in the number and diversity of examples to avoid complexity and overfitting.

Practical Implications

The findings from this research have several practical applications in real-world scenarios.


  1. Automated Code Review:
  1. Developer Assistance:
  1. Educational Tools:

Takeaway: The practical applications of few-shot prompting in program repair offer valuable tools for developers, educators, and automated systems, significantly enhancing productivity and learning.